Okay guys,
What we discussed in today's meeting were just some ideas for making the ebook more interactive.
We could have the text appear by clicking on something- maybe numbers like there are in advent calendars.
It definitely would be cooler if we had sound incorporated in.
We could totally plus the fun factor by putting little hidden things or symbols in the background that show up on each page. Like extras that are hidden that you have to find. Something similar to the comic strip Bizarro if you've ever read it: http://www.bizarro.com/symbols/index.htm
We want to have fun with the title screen and have something animated nicely.
We think it would be better for the book to be heavier on visuals than text.
If a character is talking, we could have a word bubble or have them say the line.
For this week we are working on combining the styles and designs into one cohesive look and style.
Also, we are working on composing the pages/ scenes and working on layout.
We thought that the andres francois piece that Lauren did was great inspiration for the backgrounds. And it would be nice if we could find places to put blocks/ shapes of color that the text can appear in front of.
Also, we are going to work on taking the Whitney Darrow style and Andre Francois backgrounds and fit them together.
Remember, tomorrow is our workday. So if you can make it, it would be great for you to come and work at school as a group. That way we can share ideas and direction more closely and come to a better final product.
Sorry, I can't join the group today. I will post my blocking on the blog tonight.