Thursday, January 31, 2013

Link to Google drive folder

Here's the link to the google drive folder

Story moment explorations

What's going down today

Hey guys,
So here's what we decided today.
The artist we are focusing on is going to be Whitney Darrow. We like his stuff for the characters.
Lauren also did some nice explorations for the colors and backgrounds from Larsson and Francios.
The husband and wife are in their late 30's, early 40's.
Post whatever explorations you did on the blog to share with the rest of the group.
Today we're working on character ideations and preliminary designs.

Have your stuff on the server and google drive folder by 8pm tonight!
I'll be putting the presentation together.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What do we need to do this week?

What's due Friday: first presentation of choices, early development, and team progress. All work must be on the server compiled to yield a cohesive presentation. One group member will present. Each group is limited to ten minutes.

So what we need on Thursday morning is your exploration (notes, drawings, etc.), what you liked and gleaned from the different artists, and some beginning design development.
I think we should really hit the ground running with this project and get something entertaining and attention getting from the start.
I just thought that it would be good to let you guys know what to expect and what to shoot for.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Rough Layout Ideas for ebook

Today's Meeting

Hey guys,
I'm just posting what we went over in today's meeting for those who weren't there or if you might have forgotten.
We decided that our target audience's age group is 10-12 yrs.
We are going to be researching and exploring three artists. We chose
Carl Larsson
Whitney Darrow
Andres Francois

We are going to have meetings and work days every Tuesday starting at 10am.
This is just so we can touch bases at the beginning of the week and work together.

We're going to meet Thursday at 10am also to put stuff together for our presentation.

While you are researching and exploring the different styles, also research other ebooks.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Group meeting

Hey guys,
We need to meet as a group soon!
Since the groups were only let out last night and things are still being organized, I think tomorrow, Tuesday, 1/29 would be a great day for us to meet.
I would prefer us to meet at 10am. Join the blog and let me know what your availability is.
But for now, everyone can research artists.
